The boarding of the future

Appy2Help is an app by KLM / Air France that enables ground staff help the passengers at the airport and that now supports the different phases of the boarding operations.

2019/2020 - 10 weeks

KLM / Air France

Methods & Tools
Shadowing, contextual inquiries, interviews, survey, usability testing, Overflow, Sketch, Invision, iMovie, Jira, Confluence

Product Owner, Information Analyst, Business Analyst, 2 Developers, tester

My role
Concept development, User research, UX design, UI design, Usability testing, Presentation video, Documentation


After the successful launch of the digital boarding pass scan, KLM wanted to implement the whole boarding process via its app Appy2Help.
Starting from the outcome of a design sprint, I had to design a solution to support our staff in all the boarding operations.

Business goals

  • On-time performance
  • Efficiency
  • Ancillary revenue
  • Customer loyalty and satisfaction

  • Main challenges

    • Dealing with a complex process involving several different roles
    • Technical contraints due to an API migration
    • Unexpected budget cuts and redefinition of the scope

    • The process



      • learn the specific regulations of the entire boarding operations
      • understand the different phases of the boarding operations
      • grasp how critical decisions are made
      • see all the digital and non digital tools currently used

      • Shadowing & contextual inquiries

        To understand the complexity of the tasks and the crucial decision-making I had to see the other roles involved in the boarding process.

        User interviews

        To clarify the processes I witnessed, I organized some in-depth interviews.


        Noticing some differences of opinion in the handling of the process, I gathered more quantitative data, to make the right choices during the ideation phase.


        Please note that I'll share here only generic or non-confidential insights.

        I structured the insights in an affinity diagram and created the user journey of the gate agents, focusing on: the information needed at each stage of the process, the tasks and the interactions with the other staff.

        The research showed that the boarding process can be split into 3 phases:
        • Boarding preparation
        • Actual boarding
        • Finalization of the flight & reporting

        • Unexpected events

          Budget cut

          While ready to iterate on the prototypes created during the design sprint, the project got impacted by some budget decisions and its scope had to be reduced. I was now only allowed to work on improving the flight details page.


          After passively accepting the situation at first, I discussed with the information analyst and together we came up with an intermediary solution that, for a small increment in the job size, would still bring a lot of user-business value.
          Together we presented our idea to the PO, who gave us the go-ahead.

          Towards the new MVP

          How might we implement the 3 phases of the boarding process in the flight details page?

          Prototype & usability tests

          In collaboration with the information and business analyst, I came up with a prototype and organized a usability test with the gate agents, focusing on the 2 most difficult tasks. The test-iteration cycle lasted 2 weeks.

          Final design

          I tailored the process to the different phases of the boarding, with actionable information to empower ground staff in helping the passengers.


          The process is now split in 3 phases where only the relevant data is displayed, to avoid information overload and speeding up the page loading time.

          Phase 1: Preparation
          Information on passengers requiring assistance or verification.

          Phase 2: Boarding
          Information on passengers priorities and boarding progress.

          Phase 3: Finalization
          Specific information on missing and standby passengers.

          Smart passenger information

          The information adapts to the operational needs: during the boarding, only the list of not boarded passengers and the notification feature are displayed, before the boarding closes, the missing passengers and their specific information are retrieved.

          Not boarded passengers

          Missing passengers

          Learnings & next steps

          After a second usability test, I delivered the designs to the developers, who are currently implementing it for Schiphol.
          The functionality will later be adapted for the international airports, for which I already collected information through a remote user council.

          The whole project was extremely complex and having to redefine it, because of the changes in scope, pretty challenging, but I'm happy my intermediary solution got accepted and most of the user-business value was preserved.

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          Design sprint

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