Feel at home when moving to a new city

Wellcom is an app that enhances the social lives of expats by helping them meet other people and locals while sharing meaningful experiences.

2019 - 2 weeks


Miro, Overflow, Sketch, Figma, Photoshop, Marvel, Origami

My role
Scope, Concept development, User research, UX design, UI design, Animation


Being an expat myself, I know it takes time to meet new people and form friendships, but for introverts this can be particularly challenging.
So I decided to design an app to help people socialize within their comfort zone.

Main challenges

  • Help people feel comfortable while socializing
  • People have different personalities, expectations and difficulties
  • Create a better offer than the existent one
  • Don't be biased by my personal experience of expat

  • Research

    Competitive analysis

    To understand the offer, I needed to check out the existing websites and apps.


    To gather quantitative data on expats' expectations and pain points while socializing, I created a survey.


    To dig deeper into the data and understand the feelings of expats, I conducted 3 interviews.

    “I’ve never had to make friends outside work or school.”

    — One interviewee


    I structured the data to evaluate the strategic positioning of the product and segmented the target audience in two user personas, that gave me a clear picture of users expectations and frustrations. They also helped me grounding my design decisions on facts, avoiding my personal assumptions of expat.

    Scroll/swipe left to see the images, click to zoom
    User journey
    User persona 1
    User persona 2
    Strategic positioning

    Ideation & prototyping

    After exploring different ideas on paper, I came up with the idea of an app that helps people socializing while doing things together, featuring:
    • a list of local activities organized by type
    • a categorization by number of participants
    • the possibility to join small, medium or large groups

    • Wireflow

      Usability testing

      I gathered the same people I interviewed and I conducted a usability test.


      Iteration and UI definition

      After simplifying the flow, by removing the step of joining a group to participate in the activities, I focused on creating a clean UI.
      I chose a vibrant light blue as primary color and orange as the accent one. Three other colors indicate the number of people participating in the activities.

      Scroll/swipe left to see the images, click to zoom
      Style tile


      Do what you love
      Meet new people while doing things that make you happy

      Introverts welcome!
      Choose events based on the number of people attending

      Go local
      Meet locals while getting to know your new city

      Learnings & next steps

      My initial idea of creating groups and having to join them to participate in the activities was too complicated and I had to simplify it.
      The idea of T-shirt sized groups was well received and the possibility of small groups made people feel more confident and willing to participate in activities.

      From a monetization point of view, the app could have paid referrals of restaurants, concerts halls, gyms, museums, schools and offer paid plans for individuals promoting their activities or for companies employing expats.

      👈 Previous

      Small deeds